Thread 6187 in /maths/

P6187 OUCH! link reply
P6207 link reply
Why? Nothing divided by nothing is ... nothing!
P6209 link reply
Since 'nothing' is comprised of air and the air is the composition of two hydrogen atoms, one oxygen, one nitrogen, methane etc... If one divides by zero, not only there is a loop hole, also; a person / or a machine have find the sum of each molecular weight and multiplies by the surface area. Since the the area is not defined. This process goes on and on. This forces orbs to do a workload of tasks for nothing. Thus, all the vacuum tubes died eventually. The global warming is also the cause of this. People mindlessly divide expressions among other stuff with zeros. There is even a whisper that he will divide my scrumptious carrot with 0 + 0^2 which I couldn't stand IT!!! Living with people who is whispering in my head IS A REAL TORMENT!! NOW SHUT IT! TWAT! SHUUUTTTT UPPP!
P6436 link reply
Divide and conquer?
P6438 link reply

Divide and sleep...

Thread 6067 in /maths/

P6067 link reply
[tex:(y^{2} - 32y + 256 - k)(y^{2} - 32y + 256 + k) = (y-16)^{4} - 100]

What is the value of [tex:k^{2}] in the equation above?
P6068 link reply

[tex: ((y - 16)^{2})^{2} - 10^{2}]

Thread 5994 in /maths/

P5994 P5994 link reply
P5995 link reply
Oh it actually works.

Thread 2820 in /maths/

P2820 link reply
[tex: \frac{1 kB}{frame}] = [tex: \frac{72192 kB}{35750 frames}]

2.0193 kB / frame

[tex: \frac{25 frame}{1 second}] x [tex: \frac{2.0193 kB}{1 frame}]

[tex: \frac{48.46 kB}{1 second}]

48.46 kB / second
P2822 link reply

[tex: \frac{25 frame}{1 second}] x [tex: \frac{2.0193 kB}{1 frame}]

[tex: \frac{50.48 kB}{1 second}]

50.48 kB / second
P2823 link reply
384 kbps = 48 KB/s
P2824 link reply
512 kbps = 64 KB/s
P2825 link reply
1,240 kbps = 155 KB/s